Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mao’s domestic policies Essay

Essay Question: To what extend do you consider Mao’s domestic policies more successful than his foreign policies? Between the years 1949 and 1976 China was in a faze of changes, which varied in good and bad, the way roller coasters vary in ups and downs. Mao Zedong was the Chairman during those years whom one could make responsible for numerous successes and failures in China. His domestic and foreign policies were the causes of millions of deaths, economic highs and lows, unhappy peasants and many more factors which harmed and helped China to build up and backwards after feudalism had been removed from China. The Five Year Plan, which was a duplicate of the plan that Russia used to overcome the countries misery, took place between 1952 and 1956 and was a success for entire China. The Hundred Flowers Campaign, which Mao started in 1957, is known to be one of his greatest failures and resulted in chaos, along with the collectivisation plan in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s and the Great Leap Forward Mao failed to help his country. As he supported the Korean War in the 1950’s Chinas budget decreased my thousand of millions of Yuan. This foreign policy was a disaster for China and even though several domestic policies were introduced, none of them could really keep China and it’s masses in population contend. Due to the support China had provided Korea with many more people died. If Korean had not been supported by Chinas budget, then one could argue that not as many people would have been killed the Korean War. Maybe the number of deaths could have been reduced to half a million or so, one can only speculate, yet it is clear that this foreign policy did not do any good, but much more harm. It did not only destroy human lives, it also harassed the Chinese budget and as a result made China very weak. PRC Expenditure in Percentages of Total Budget: As is shown on the table in 1950 the percent of money which was taken away from the budget is 41,5 %. This is almost half of the entire Chinese budget. Most of this money supported the Korean War and helped Korean to defend itself. By 1957 this percentile had gone down, but all most every other one went up. For an example 51,4 % of the Chinese budget was being used to support the economic development. This is a vast amount of money needed to support the economic development of a country. Even though this foreign policy supported Korean, it was and opposition for the donator, China. The Five Year Plan can be viewed purely as a success. Mao was impressed with what Lenin had accomplished with it and decided to do the same. Mao and the PRC, People Republic of China, build up the same Five Year Plan as Russia and succeeded. The National Resources Committee, NRC, had already taken care of several industrial ideas, which Mao had, and they were also the ones who had total control over the industrial investment sections. During the Five Year Plan a significant amount of migration took place. Families moved from the countryside into the large cities to find jobs at factories. One major factor that makes the Five Year Plan a success is of the inflation, from which China had been suffering for many years, which Mao achieved to decrease. It dropped from over 1,000 percent to nearly 15 percent and was a result of a raise of taxes and a change of the Chinese currency from the Chinese Dollar to the Yuan. Not only did the PRC want to focus on the production of steel, coal and petrol-chemicals, but also on transportations such as the Chinese automobile. An event, which is a perfect example to demonstrate the successes of the Five Year Plan would be the construction of a road and railway bridge, which crossed the Yangzi River, which can be seen as a contribution to the modernization of China. By 1952 the PRC had introduced their goals of what they wanted to achieve during the Five Year Plan. Their targets were to produce at least 555,000 bicycles by 1957, yet instead they produced more than 1,740,000. Also, they planned on manufacturing 4,000 trucks, but they achieved to produce more than 7,500. However magnificent this all sounds and how proud China must have been, if Russia had not helped China to industrialize, they would have never been able to compare themselves with the Soviet Union after their Five Year Plan had Worked so well. Meaning, China was not as successful as Russia had been, because China got the Soviet Unions support, whereas Russia made it on their own two feet. However, one should give credit to Mao for the Five Year Plan, because this was one of his only successful domestic policies and it gave China a better economic position in the world. The Hundred Flowers Campaign, which was a domestic policy, introduced in 1956, was probably Mao’s greatest Failure during has dictatorship. When Mao became the Chairman in 1949 he strict freedom of speech policies, since he did not welcome any other political opinions other than those of communism. In 1956, Mao Zedong decided it was time to allow people in China to speak their minds free from fear of persecution by the government. Mao wanted to encourage free speech and healthy arguments. This was introduced with the phrase â€Å"let a hundred flowers bloom.† With this he wanted allow the expression of diverse ideas. Mao colleagues to stop this policy, due to the fact that Stalin had lost power in Poland and Hungry through this policy. However, he pressured boldly forward. After some time thing got out of hand and Mao replaced it with the ‘anti-rightist’ operation. Mao sent intellectuals, layers and even teacher to the countryside, had them humiliated publicly, or let them be assassinated. The Hundred Flowers Campaign was a disaster. Thousands were killed because they had their own opinion and expressed it freely, just the way Mao had provoked. When Mao said: â€Å"It is only by using discussion, criticism and reasoning that we can really foster correct ideas, overcome wrong ideas and really settle issues.† and then killed the majority of those who obeyed his new policy, one must ask oneself, what he really intended with this. One could argue that Mao did not create the Hundred Flower Campaign to get feed-back and criticism so that he can improve the countries situation, it is thought that Mao introduced the Campaign to find those who had something to say against him and his ideas in a quicker and more efficient way than before. In conclusion, Mao became more powerful, however, be betrayed his own country. This is how one can see where his domestic policies were much less successful than his foreign ones. With his foreign policy mention earlier, he provoked death due to a war, whereas in his domestic policies he provoked death due to his own ignorance and utter ruthlessness. Once one has made one mistake, it seems as though one has released a chain of reactions. At least this is the case for Mao, because his next mistake was not far from his last one. The Great Leap Forward, which took place in 1958-1962, was a hardship on the peasants. Even though China had modernized and industrialized there were still many problems to come. Although Mao stood upright for equal treatment of all humans and even though Mao and his family were peasants, he set up a list of strict rules for the peasants to obey. This was a result of the following. Mao realized that not enough food was being produced and brought to the cities, because of the migration that took place in the Five Year Plan. Too much of the population was now working in the factories and the economic planner concluded that this was the fault of the peasants. Since the peasant families were increasing rapidly each month, too much grain was going to the individual families, and thus, Mao decided to put the peasants under strict central control and direction. During the great peasant revolution Mao had given the serfs freedom and the land that once belonged to the landowners now belonged to them. However, the Collectivisation Plan changed everything. Now the peasants were not working for themselves anymore, but for the government, to prevent another shortage of grain in the cities. China’s agricultural land was split into 70,000 communes, each consisting of 750,000 brigades, each made up of 200 households. The setting of prices, distribution of products, farming methods and the sales were all controlled by the PRC. Since the targets of grain production of the government were so high, there was not much grain left for the people. Hunger and death was well known during that time, and millions had died of starvation. Alone in Tibet 20% of the population had starved to death. The main problem of this crisis was that nobody told Mao about these happenings, because they were all afraid to undergo the same destiny as all the others who told him the bad news. However, one man did find the courage after all and open his heart to Mao. Mr. Peng Dehuai was the minister of defence, and decided to let Chairman know about the disasters that were going on. He was dismissed and sent to the countryside. By now nearly all of China was afraid to say anything against or even to him. The Collectivisation system pulled China down more than ever. In 1958 200 million tons of grain were being produced, but in 1962 less than 160 million tons were produced. A similar thing happened to the meat production. In 19584,3 million tons of meat were being manufactured and by 1968 only 1,9 tons were being produced. Mao’s plan had once again not worked. Almost thirty million people died in China from his domestic policies, however, his foreign policies did not cause such harsh consequences for anyone. One must look at the success of the domestic and foreign policies from three different perspectives. One, the Chinese citizens perspective during Mao’s dictatorship, two, Mao’s own viewpoint, and three, the perception of the success of today’s people. The Chinese people of that time lived the changes, the success and most of all the failures. Like in many situations, the negative things were paid more attention, due to the harsher memories, which are well in mind. The people suffered, lost family members and were tortured mentally and physically. Even though Mao became like a God for them after the â€Å"Little Red Book† was published in May 1964. It was a book of quotations from Mao and was there to give the Chinese citizens a better view of what he was doing. Mao was feared and therefore obeyed. From Mao’s point of view, things seemed to be going great because be barely received feedback from his colleagues, because they were too afraid of him as well. The fear, which developed through out the years came from the punishment that people had to undergo. The rumours of what was happening did not even have to go around the country; the majority of the people saw the humiliations and various other punishments with their own eyes. Anyhow, Mao was partially not informed about the millions of deaths that were occurring, therefore he was probably satisfied with his work, and believed that he was successful. Then, if one looks at the overall damaged he caused with his domestic and foreign policies one can see that his domestic policies were much less successful than his foreign policies. If Mao would still be alive today he would possibly realize his mistakes and would think similar to the perspective of today. Mao was a man with visions and ideas, which he thought to be most important. However, he did more harm then did he help people with his domestic and foreign policies. One can even consider his foreign policies more successful in some ways, because his support in the Korean War did not kill as many people as his domestic polices resulted in killing. Nevertheless, one mustn’t generalize everything. One must also look from different perspectives such as Mao’s for an example. He was often left uninformed about what was really going on in the country; therefore he was most likely felt successful. The peasants had a much different point of view due to the more authentic experiences they had to undergo. But by looking at the situation form the modern eyes of today, one can clearly see the successes and failures of Chairman Mao’s dictatorship. His domestic policies were less successful than his foreign policies due to the numbers of deaths. It seems as though Mao released a chain reaction of mistakes as he did his first one with the Hundred Flowers Campaign in 1957, and that there was no way of stopping it.

Friday, August 30, 2019


The Cranberries provides the right qualities for the 60 minutes segment on investigation of the power of public protest. The combination of a strong message, powerful lyrics and visually dramatic video clip creates a public protest masterpiece. The AIR ceasefire of 1994 can be attributed to the success of public protest mounted by The Cranberries in their song Zombie'. Over thousands of years, music has been a part of human culture and been used to convey different messages.Music has the power to Inspire, unify and galvanism people into action. It can be used as a form of public protest to raise awareness of the issue to the general public and create a worldwide movement for a solution. This is demonstrated in the song Zombies' by the band The Cranberries, creating a public protest song about the reciprocal acts of violence between the AIR and the British Army. ‘Zombie' is centrally about Irish society normalizing war and young children losing their Innocence due to the Intense violence.In Ireland, violence was accepted as normal and a part of everyday life, this caused young children to become asininities about violence and its usage in ‘normal' life. Irish children lived a generational perpetuated war, for decades. The Irish Republican Army or AIR committed reciprocally motivated acts of terrorism directed against the British control of Northern Ireland. Zombie' makes the point that the boundaries between war and normal life are confused and ambiguous. This blurring created the atmosphere for accepting and excusing the war.The song ‘Zombies' uses very strong and powerful lyrics to describe the situation of violence in Ireland. With their tanks ND their bombs, and their bombs and their guns' refers to the environment which the Irish people lived in and the lead singer strongly stresses key words like tanks', ‘bombs' and ‘guns'. The message of ‘nothing has changed' is common throughout the song's lyrics, ‘It's the same old theme since 1916' which is a direct historical reference to the 1916 Easter Rising of the RIB (later known as the AIR) and explains the length of time the violence has been effecting Irish society.The lyrics show how the Irish people distance themselves from the violence by saying ‘but you see, it's not me, it's tot my family, they are implicitly denying the conflict and violence. The Juxtaposition and cross cutting between black and white shots of children playing and soldiers creates ambiguity between play and war. The strength of the message to the audience is enhanced by the pace at which the shots are screened in synchronization with the tempo of the music and lyrics. The gold symbolism Is visually dramatic which creates a paradox by contrast to the other bleak Images.Dramatic images are created with Dolores Ordinary against the cross, which is a preference to the 1 916 Easter Rising of the RIB. The singer is completely encrusted in gold and surrounded by golden nymph like figures which invites multiple references to Greek Mythology. The gold represents Justice, power, strength, purity and value. These visual messages add complexity and remove the viewer from the immediate clip and instant recognition by the public, therefore it would be an excellent choice for the 60 minutes special on the power of public protest. The Cranberries hit song ‘Zombies' has become an anthem for the worldwide peace movement.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pip wants to be a gentleman Essay

‘It was evident that he had nothing around him but the simplest necessaries, for everything that I remarked upon turned out to have been sent in on my account from the coffee-house or somewhere else. ‘ Another character who displays this quality is Magwitch: even though he is a convict, he is a good man. ‘I believe too that he dragged one of his legs as if there were still a weight of iron on it, and that from head to foot there was Convict in the very grain of the man†¦ but Magwitch †¦ is still a good man’. This is a direct contrast with Mrs Joe for whom even her funeral was sham and pompous. ‘I was much annoyed by the abject Pumblechook, who, being behind me, persisted all the way as a delicate attention in arranging my streaming hatband, and smoothing my cloak. ‘ Newman describes how a true gentleman’s concern is to make 2 ‘everyone at their ease and at home’, and Herbert’s behavior is an example of this. When he sees Joe as he visits Pip in London, Joe is feeling uncomfortable and out of place and Herbert tries to correct that by asking polite, easy to understand questions, and, when it was still awkward, he left, to allow Pip and Joe to talk alone. He also comforts Pip when he first comes to London by giving him some fruit, which he thinks he will be used to because he is from the country. Wemmick exhibits this trait too. He ensures that his father is always kept ‘clean, cheerful, comfortable and well cared for’. He also has his house with a moat surrounding it because it makes his father feel secure when he leaves him for work. However, at work Wemmick acts very differently, he leaves his gentlemanly side behind and puts his business-like, ‘postbox’ mouth on, as he remarked ‘Walworth is one place, and the office is another’. At one point when Pip is asking his advice Wemmick even says that if Pip had asked him the same question at home he would have answered completely differently. Whereas Jaggers is always the same official, business-like person at home and at work, he is always the lawyer and is very intimidating. True gentlemen will only see and bring out the good in other people, Joe sees the good; for example when he tells Pip about his father. Although Joe’s father often got drunk and beat Joe’s mother and Joe himself, Joe didn’t complain or try to make Pip feel sorry for him, he just said â€Å"he were that good in his hart†. Jaggers does not bring out the good in others. When Pip went for tea at Jaggers’s house, the worst was brought out in him, and his companions, which led them to a sizeable argument: ‘Drummle, without any threat or warning, pulled his hands out of his pockets, dropped his round shoulders, swore, took up a large glass, and would have flung it at his adversary’s head†¦ ‘. Although Pip doesn’t exhibit many of the other traits of a gentleman, he is self-aware throughout the narrative. When Pip realizes that he loves Estella he can still admit to himself that she makes him miserable because she torments him and says to himself, ‘Pip, what a fool you are! ‘ Estella is also self-aware, she understands that Miss Havisham has made her into a heartless monster, and she explains this to Pip. ‘You had not your little wits sharpened by their intriguing against you, suppressed and defenseless†¦ imposter of a woman’. Dickens’ true gentlemen help people out and are modest about the favours they have done. As Newman says of a true gentleman2 ‘He makes light favours while he does them, and seems to be receiving when he is conferring. ‘ Pip illustrates this trait well. He arranges a place for business for Herbert. This is Pip’s first real act of generosity, though it’s ironic because it is made with the money from his own benefactor. However, whenever Pumblechook does favours, he does them because he hopes for something in return. When he arranged for Pip to play at Miss Havisham’s, he is trying to ingratiate himself with Mrs Joe, and Pip, so when Pip gets money from Miss Havisham, Pip will feel obliged to give him a share – as without Pumblechook it would never have happened. When Pip first moves to London to be a gentleman, everyone in his village thinks that Pumblechook is Pip’s ‘patron, companion and friend’. This, of course, is not true; as Pip would have rather Pumblechook had never tried to get him a job at Miss Havisham’s. Being sensitive must be an important factor of being a good person. Biddy displays this characteristic, as she relises how Pip has hurt Joe. However, she also tells us that Joe never complained of Pip, hurting him. Estella is very insensitive, although this isn’t entirely her own fault. She says of Pip at the beginning of the novel, ‘coarse hands and thick boots’, which really offended, and affected Pip for the rest of his life. Although, she has got a spark of humanity in her as she keeps warning Pip not to fall in love with her. Like the star she is named after she always keeps cold and distant from Pip. Dickens’ gives Orlick as an example of a completely evil character. Orlick murdered Mrs Joe, and tried to murder Pip. He killed Mrs Joe when Pip was old enough to ‘kill off’ his parents and gain his independence. Dickens doesn’t want us to understand Orlick, or feel a drop of sympathy for him. He is Pip’s alter ego, he does the things Pip would never dare do, or unconsciously thought. Dickens is showing us that if you have money, this does not necessarily make you a gentleman. Drummle is an obvious example that money and class alone do not make a gentleman. On the other hand, Joe and Herbert, who are poor, are the main examples of true gentlemen in the text; they show the true qualities that compose a good person. Pip is a developing character, and therefore changes from a small innocent little boy, into a snob, and then a much more mature, wiser and sadder Pip develops at the end of the narrative. I feel that Pip is a gentleman though at the end, throughout he is self aware, and he has done favours to Herbert. With Magwitch there for Pip to care for and love, he managed to mature and grow out of the sham and elitist younger Pip. I think that all these qualities that make up a good person are definitely still relevant today. Just as the factors that constitute a good person are the same for the poor, as for the rich in Dickens’s time, they are just as important to people now as they were then. If Joe or Herbert came into this century we would admire the gentlemanly characteristics in them, just as Pip saw the good in them in the nineteenth century. Bibliography 1. Newman, Newman on the Gentleman (1852) 2. Mahoney. J, Great Expectations for GCSE, Ashford Colour Press, Hampshire (1994). 1 Sarah Burton 10S 2nd January 2004 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Great Expectations section.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

FBIs background on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Research Paper

FBIs background on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Research Paper Example However, the young bureau landed him in the federal prison. The more the state of Chicago banned organized crimes; the more novel groups of organized crime rose and prospered immensely. These were the racketeers, gangsters and hoodlums. The rackets used coercions of vehemence to force businesses to ante up a percentage of their proceeds for â€Å"protection†. Charles â€Å"Lucky† Luciano was a New York resident. He arose to supremacy in the Mafia and molded it into a designed, undisclosed society of criminals. This eventually came to be known as the organized crime that we know of today. The young bureau was therefore faced with a challenge of establishing a valuable weapon against these criminal rings. Precise information was deliberated to be the valuable weapon against the organized crime. The young bureau investigated specifics on the key players of these criminal rings, their intertwining networks, maneuvers as well as competencies. The Chicago agents built this foundation of knowledge via informers and other contacts. A far-reaching directory of pictures and background of more than three hundred of the tarnished criminals and associates of their gang was equally obtained. In 1930s, the rackets in Chicago extorted money from electric sign companies, candy jobbers, and dental laboratories. They were however laid bare by the young bureau. This helped to paint a picture of the menace for all law enforcement officers. The young bureau plotted out the influences of these criminals. They also uncovered the promoters of the organized crimes, for example, the money launderers and fences. This formally marked the commencement of the fight against organized crime. The young bureau started constructing the criminal just support system in partnership with their law enforcement officers. This heightened a synchronized, coated attack against both criminal and terrorist networks. Wide-ranging training for law enforcement professionals was also

Strategic Operations for Business Development Literature review

Strategic Operations for Business Development - Literature review Example The processes involved within the food retail and service industry are complex and the amount of waste produced presents a sustainability challenge because of the environmental impact which is has. There is need for the operators within the industry to adopt sustainable operations in order to meet the existing regulatory and sustainability objectives. The sustainability of operations within the food retail and services industry in the UK has been increasingly becoming necessary as the industry continues to grow and expand. The diminishing resources like energy have necessitated the adoption of sustainable sources of energy within the industry in order to cope with the every growing demand. With the introduction of technological processes within the industry, the consumption of energy continues to become an issues of concern. Various aspects of the business operations have become affected and the sustainability challenge ought to focus efforts to the most affected areas. This should mainly be undertaken through the establishment of regulations and control within many business processes involved within the industry in the effort of implementing sustainable operation. Despite the adoption and implementation of different sustainability approaches, the pressure upon the entire industry continues to increase as a growing world population increases demand for the products within the industry. Increased production becomes necessary and this results in the industry exerting pressure upon the existing resources, while generating more waste and consuming more of the limited resources. Disposal challenges for the generated wastes have become imminent within the industry with the increased environmental concerns, the regulations existing in the waste disposal aspect of the environment continues to increase the need for the industry to become accustomed to sustainable business operations. The sustainability challenge in the food industry ought to focus on meeting

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global health paper - Tuberculosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Global health paper - Tuberculosis - Essay Example For instance, it is one of the leading killer diseases which are known by to be the greatest fear of the greatest majority of people in the universe today. Health is something important for a given nation, and the entire globe for that matter. This means that it would be necessary that a proper method for healthcare should be formulated towards ensuring there is a proper health structure for the entire world. This is the main reason why innovative finance comes in as a very good approach towards prison health care. Innovative financing is a modern approach that has been noted to come with a number of possibilities towards increasing overall economic development while bringing in positive possibilities which can effectively accelerate all the measures and processes put in place towards health promotion. Reflecting on this perspective, this paper critically examines global health, specifically reflecting on Tuberculosis from a broad point of view. The Impact of the Problem upon the Lar ger Community/World It is evident through research that about 592,000 Americans were released to societies from prison (Hughes & Wilson, 2003). Most remarkably, it is a common believe that criminals have a higher prevalence of diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), chronic medical conditions, substance abuse, AIDS, chronic medical conditions, and mental health problems than the common population in the United States (Flanagan, 2004). In that sense, the release of offenders to the community is considered to have negative impacts, seeing that this puts the lives of innocent people at the risk of getting TB from the inmates. Studies show that the higher prevalence of TB is linked to poor living conditions, pre-arrest poverty, intravenous drug use, and inadequate health-maintenance and disease-prevention practices (Hammett, Roberts, & Kennedy, 2001). Ex-offenders are a susceptible population as of high-risk behaviors and lack of understanding in relation to health promotion and disease avo idance. In simple words, it is unquestionable that the release of exposed criminals to the society presents a major threat and challenge to state, local, and nationwide public health sectors and criminal justice bureaus. Cited by different studies is the fact that TB has negative impacts, which can interfere with the growth of the economy and in that manner interfering with the growth of the nation as a whole (Visher, 2006). The Extent of the Problem In the recent years, it has been a common thing that much emphasis is being placed in the designing of comprehensive and thorough interventions which are based on a precise continual care with the aim of providing consistent care and assistance to offenders. This has been done within and as well beyond the prison perimeters (Markle & Raymond, 2007). There has as well been the recognition that there should proper means through which preparations are done towards the reintegration processes. This has been noted to function properly when i t has been done before the individual has released back into the society (Dorothy & Logie, 2008). That has been noted to be the right way through which the society can rest assured that the individuals who have been released are free from TB and will not put the lives of others at risk. Reflecting on research, recognition of criminal

Monday, August 26, 2019

Business law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business law and ethics - Essay Example Moreover, the acceleration speed must be regulated by stating the safety factor. Brake pedal pressure signal plots that the underlying driver normally applies on the brake pedal during the period of its operation on the vehicle stationary. Moreover, the brake pedal pressure goes to zero and there is sharp transition in the accelerator pedal pressure signal. Dynamic of the underlying pressure is also defined as the rate of alteration in the pressure applied on the pedal pressure by the corresponding driver. Thus pressure mainly aids in the apply friction that aids in the stopping of the brake pedals. Problem solving models that is will utilize in making my final decision would be employment of the SWOT analysis and PEST analysis models. SWOT analysis will assist me in examining the underlying potential and corresponding suitability of the Zero Pedal in the Eastern market. The decision making will mainly incorporate appropriate tools and process. The question that I would ask will pert ain to the definition and clarification issue of defects, collecting of all the facts and comprehending causes of the Zero Pedal defects. Moreover, I will brainstorm about the probable alternatives and solutions by comparing those alternatives. I will then choose the best alternative that compromises the decision. Then I will ensure that the designers of the Zero Pedal implement the chosen alternative by following up. A2. I will not recommend my company to pay the special $5,000 fee to have the prevailing Zero Pedal on the underlying shelves of the corresponding sporting goods store. This because the its operation that ought not to exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit since the temperature of the store rooms might rise above that thus posing a lot of negative risk. Moreover, the process is not legal since it does follow the outline procedures that Green Move Company has put in place in regard to ordering and stocking its commodities. A3. Green Move can apply the cost/benefit analysis in th e latency stage in regard to the safety concerns while looking for the permanent solution to the problem. Cost benefit analysis will aids them in disposing the present stock and increasing the market base for its products. Nevertheless, the are numerous risks in the undertaking of the cost benefit analysis because they will be exposing the users of the commodities to a lot of risks that might derail their market coverage and consequently spoil the public image of the company in case the explosion of the products occur. Questions B B.1 Robert should try to improve the condition of the Solar Group since the Solar Group manufacturers of the corresponding solar panels are fundamental in the production of the Zero Pedal. Termination the underlying agreements will make the Green Move company to experienced serious problems since solar panels are chief components in the manufacture of the Zero Pedal. Thus, Robert has one option of improving the condition of the Solar Group situated in Bang ladesh to conform to the required standards by employing workers of appropriate ages. He ought to enforce the Solar Group that was stipulates that no children ought to be employed in the Solar Group and the employees must also be treated fairly. Green Move Company interest is at stake since Solar Group produces Solar panels that are fundamental in the production of the Zero Pedal. So they must force the company to conform to the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Humanistic Approach, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Essay

Humanistic Approach, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Conflict Resolution and Vision - Essay Example Humanistic Approach, Leadership and Motivation, Machiavelli, and Conflict Resolution and Vision. Specifically, I learnt that leaders may be born or made. This research helped me understand examples of leaders who are born with power and leadership and those who are made leaders. I also learnt that motivation is crucial in enhancing work performance, productivity, and satisfaction. I believe that this class has increased my knowledge in management. I will use this knowledge to impact those around me by helping them understand human behaviours and how they can foster motivation and effective leadership. Humanistic Approach Humanistic management is the process through which different streams of humanisms are linked or connected. It focuses on the field of economics and business as the primary force that drives the society. The humanistic approach to management helps to understand human beings as absolutely self-serving or independent individuals. We understand the concept of humanistic management on the basis of three dimensions. The first thing is that human beings deserve and exp ect their dignity and worth to be respected under all circumstances. Secondly, businesses and organizations must embrace ethical decisions that promote the well-being of employees and staff members. The last thing is that embracing corporate responsibilities is crucial in strengthening and maintaining an ongoing relationship with the stakeholders. According to Murray, Markides and Galavan (2008), it is appropriate to apply human approach in business context where dignity and respect of every individual is the foundation that builds and maintains interpersonal interaction. This approach helps the management to embrace every individual in the organization regardless of where he comes from or what he owns. The integration of ethical reflection into the business is the key process from which effective and quality decisions are made. The solitary managerial decision on where an action is ethically sound depends on the humanistic approach to management. However, the approach may not be ap propriate in providing excessive freedom. It is important to note that, the humanistic theory make some assumptions about human nature, which are not accepted as solid or complete. One cannot adequately argue that every individual should be given freedom to choose what he wants or not. This is because some people may make negative choices even when right solutions are staring at them. These facts plague the humanistic approach to management and therefore establish the need to offer sufficient guidance for positive change to occur. Still, it may not be appropriate when managers are mean and misunderstand how their employees perform their assigned duties. When managers treat their employees like this, they get depressed and sad and thus become unproductive in the workplace. Since humanistic approach to management is based on the self and client centred therapy, then it benefits people to discover and identify their personal capacity that stimulates self-assessment and self-development . This approach creates a ground for people to understand their strengths and work hard to improve on their weaknesses. However, this approach requires people to understand the root of their problem before building or fixing the solution. With this, this approach may not perfectly work for everyone since some people may be threatened and challenged to find out the root cause of their problems. Still, this approach regards that human beings must understand that they are hold

Saturday, August 24, 2019

H1N1 and Canadian Health Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

H1N1 and Canadian Health Care - Research Paper Example Reason being was young and middle-aged adults are mostly out of their houses which can easily acquire the virus. The virus is said to be contagious and can easily be transmitted as a regular seasonal flu. The process could include when an infected person coughs or sneezes and germs enter the nose, eyes or throat of another person. Public counters and doorknobs could be potentially dangerous as the germs rest on different surfaces. It resembles same sign and symptoms of an ordinary influenza but in some cases can develop nausea, vomiting, sore throat, mild conjunctivitis and diarrhea. Initial symptoms could be mild but if left untreated could lead to pneumonia or respiratory failure. In children, they may present nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain while infected infants may present a sepsis-like syndrome. Since H1N1 resembles the strain of common influenza virus, the diagnosis can be considered in any patient with flu-like symptoms. A PCR Test to detect H1N1 virus is now being used to check infection of swine flu. Treatment approach is conservative through relieving of symptoms by use of over-the-counter drugs but for those late stages a use of antiviral drugs is the option. Recently, as the virus spreads around the world, most government would require vaccines and different television stations are now advertising frequent hand washing with use of soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to reduce transmission of infection. H1N1 entering Canada It was first cited that H1N1 virus first appeared in Canada as per Public Health Agency of Canada reported. Though, the Canadian Government has expected the arrival of the second wave of the illness last October 2009 since there was an increased in H1N1 activity in several parts of the country; this would mean that there is an increased in number of Canadians infected by the virus. Though, the Canadian Government is in continuous work with international partners in learning more about the virus and to prepare in case there would be some changes to the virus' nature and if there would be another wave infecting the nation. As it rapidly affecting most Canadians, there is still no evidence suggesting the strain becomes stronger. Death Toll and Canadian Government Stand on the illness As we already knew the process of virus transmission. Canadian Government as a firm stand on how we could prevent the disease from spreading and the possibility of infecting others. Deaths Province / Territory New Deaths reported (from November 24, 2009 to November 26, 2009, 11h00 EDT) Cumulative British Columbia 2 36 Alberta 6 51 Saskatchewan 1 12 Manitoba 0 9 Ontario 16 95 Quebec 5 83 New Brunswick 0 6 Nova Scotia 0 5 Prince Edward Island 0 0 Newfoundland and Labrador 0 8 Yukon 0 2 Northwest Territories 0 1 Nunavut 0 1 Total 30 309 Source: The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) The Public Health Agency of Canada has taken some steps to follow to avoid the infection through the following simple steps: 1. Use of Alcohol-based sanitizer or frequent

Friday, August 23, 2019

How to be happy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to be happy - Essay Example The quote illustrates the differences in perceptions, the complexities in the society and peace of mind that results from personal fulfillment. Equally, people have particular hobbies and leisure activities. There is no point in life that someone’s view of life or actions shall please everyone. It is in this context that the quote becomes handy by telling people to take responsibility for their happiness. The society will always find a fault in someone’s actions, dressing, education levels, or development. It is imperative to practice what you feel comfortable in and aim to make life enjoyable. The society has mixed characters, and we have to learn to accommodate everyone without hurting our feelings. Some people appreciate our efforts while others are jealous of every progress. Therefore, to be happy people should not care about others views so long as the actions are right. Happiness emanates from an individual’s satisfaction with him/herself. Hence, persons should act according to their principles to reduce instances of stress, acquire life fulfillment and happiness. Precisely, life is a cycle. The actions we undertake in the present shall influence our future. However, it is important to incorporate the aspect of one’s happiness in the pursuit of good health and long life. It is also essential to note that we are responsible for our happiness. We may end up living a boring and stressful life if we seek happiness from other persons. Therefore, take action to improve and appreciate yourself.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

North Coat Town- Robert Gray Analysis Essay Example for Free

North Coat Town- Robert Gray Analysis Essay The two utilities both represent the need to use the restroom and his hunger from not eating anything, as he could not afford anything. Just from stanza 1, readers can get the idea that this man is a hitchhiker. This demonstrates the life of these hitchhikers and how they would get through life day after day. In Stanza 2, the man washes himself up at a tap where he steps into mud, as there is always mud at taps. ‘Vandals Lavatory’, Grey uses the word ‘Vandal’ as he does not appreciate people vandalizing the streets to ruin the beauty of the Australian Coast Lines. The persona flushes the toilet and gets a chill whilst flushing, it’s the use of an actual toilet that gives him this chill as hitchhikers if not able to find a nearby toilet will often go in a bush. In Stanza 3, the man eats a floury apple, which he supposedly found in a supermarket bin where you find ruined goods. Grey uses personification ‘At this kerb sand crawls by’ to demonstrate that it was almost like the path was covered in sand moving slowly from the light wind about. Car after car now-its like a boxer warming up with the heavy bag, spitting air’ the cars on the street are busy going somewhere. The use of simile is comparing the cars to a boxing match, how dangerous and violent of each car passing is like a punch by a boxer. In Stanza 4, a car slows down and the man chases after it getting himself a ride. Two cars going shooting. Plastic pennants are everywhere, totally artificial and suggest high pressure selling by city petrol station. A dog is trotting down the road and someone else is hosing down their pavement, demonstrates the ordinary town life. Our image flaps in shop fronts’ Grey uses onomatopoeia. They ‘past the pink ’Tropicana’ motel (stucco with sea shells)’, recalling the Shell station in the first Stanza. As they drive outta town they pass bulldozed acres probably the site of new infrastructure being built. They’re changing the area to look more like ‘California’. ‘Pass an Abo, not attempting to hitch, outside town’, the aboriginal lives outside of town and feels no need to try and catch a ride as there is no point since no one would consider giving them a lift.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Discuss the theme of the Dream in the book "Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Discuss the theme of the Dream in the book Of Mice and Men Essay None of the people on the ranch have freedom, and freedom was what George and Lennie wanted. Crooks, Candy and Lennie are victims, Crooks because of his back, where a horse had kicked him, Candy because of his hand, which he lost on the ranch, although he got two hundred and fifty bucks in compensation and Lennie is a victim because of his lack of knowledge. The main dream in the book Of Mice and Men is George and Lennies dream. Their dream is to have their own land where they will grow whatever they like, and to have a variety of animals, and Lennie will get to look after the rabbits, if he behaves well. The rabbits are all he talks and thinks about the perfect land and the rabbits that he will look after if he behaves himself. Dont you think of nothing but rabbits? The land will be ten acres, have a windmill, a little shack and chicken run. It will have a kitchen and plenty of food and water. They will build a smoke house where they will smoke the bacon, the ham, and the sausages. Theyll kill a pig or rabbit each Sunday. Theyll can fruits. Theyll also sell eggs and milk. They want to be answerable to nobody, to have freedom and be independent. Also, like Lennie says with a lot of enthusiasm, An` live off the fatta the lan` This is a dream that George believes will not come true, (but he continues as though the dream will come true to lure Lennie to behave himself.) because they dont have the money and Lennie is always getting in some sort of trouble and then, they have to run away. He doesnt mean to do any harm. All the time he done bad things but he never done one of em mean Soon Candy gets to know about their dream, and this is the only part of the book where it seems that the dream is only around the corner. With Candys three hundred and fifty bucks and Georges and Lennies fifty bucks each coming at the end of the month, which makes a total of four hundred and fifty bucks, George says he could swing the owners for that as the lady needs an operation. George has a dream of his own which is a life without Lennie. If he didnt have Lennie with him all the time, When I think of the swell time I could have without you, I go nuts. I never get no peace. If he also didnt have Lennie on his tail all the time, he could maybe even have a girl. This dream does come true at the end, but George had to kill Lennie or otherwise Curley would have come and killed Lennie himself. George learnt from Candys mistake of letting someone else kill his dog, so he killed Lennie himself making sure that the gunshot would not give Lennie any pain. Lennies life is ended, also with the dream as Lennie and George are talking about the dream until Lennie is killed like an animal. Candys dream was to be happy. The only time he was really happy was when he was a child. Candy has no other relatives, so he thought hed be happy living with George and Lennie. Candy is heartbroken when he finds out that Lennie has killed Curleys wife. Candy knows that their dream cannot come true now, because Lennie was part of the dream and now he is dead. Also, when Candys dog was shot, Candy covered his eyes with his arm. Old Candy lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm. And this was what he did when his dream was shattered. We do not know what happened to Candy or George after Lennie was killed, as the story ended there, so the death of Curleys wife ended two dreams, but the death of Lennie made Georges second dream come true. Even though he didnt like killing Lennie, he didnt want to let someone else kill him. I suppose George thought it was the last straw if he is killing unknowingly, he could kill again. They could not keep running from everything he did wrong. He would get caught one day, and be killed. Curleys dream was to be big like Lennie and this is why Curley picked a fight with Lennie and he lost. He didnt give Lennie a chance to show him that he was not against him, but straight away headed for Lennie and started asking him questions. George had told him not to speak, so he didnt answer. Curley really got angry. George answered for him and he answered, An you wont let the big guy talk, is that it? He wants to be big and tall. He picks fights with anybody that is larger, in a way superior to him. He only has respect for Slim; we know this because he listened to Slim. I think you got your han caught in a machine. He knows what really happened. He didnt want to get laughed at either, so he listened and obeyed Slims instruction. But you jus tell an try to get this guy canned and well tell ever body, an then will you get the laugh. Curley agreed to this statement, otherwise he will be laughed at for starting the fight and then losing it. Even though Curleys hand was totally ruined, and Lennie got a couple of bruises and cuts nobody got in any more trouble. When his wife was killed he was really mad. Not mad for losing a loved one. He was mad at Lennie for killing her, and instead of staying with his wife, he hurried off to find Lennie and to kill him. We notice that although Curley was very protective over his wife, he didnt show any interest in her, and showed no signs of love. Nobody liked Curley, not even his wife. Curleys wife was an outcast, because she is the only female on the ranch and wore a lot of red. We can sense she is heading for trouble, because of the way she flirted with all the men on the ranch. Red lipstick and red finger nails shows a sign of danger. Curleys wifes dream was to become a movie star, and have nice clothes. This dream only came about because; some guy had said that she was a natural. this guy says I was a natural Her dream was shattered because she didnt receive a letter, this guy had promised to send to her. According to her, she thought her mother had thrown it away. We get the feeling that he didnt actually send the letter. She really thought that her mother had thrown it away and only for revenge, she got married to Curley. She didnt love Curley, nor even liked him. Shes not interested in Curley and Curley has no interest in her, but she is always looking for him, as an excuse, to talk to other guys. The other guys think shes a tart, and is jail bait. Crooks has a dream, which is when he was a little child he remembered he had two brothers and they used to do everything together. His dream is to be back with his family. I remember when I was a little kid on my old mans chicken ranch. He became negatively cynical. He doesnt believe life will get any better and he thinks that people always behave selfishly or dishonestly. Crooks is lonely and the only one who has respect for him is Slim. When he was small he used to play with people that werent black and this would upset his father. He didnt understand why until he was older. People called him a nigger and he is the only black person on the ranch. When he was a child, his family was the only black family for miles. Crooks had no other dreams; he just wanted friends that wont criticize him, because of his colour. None of the dreams came true, and are all crushed and shattered, because Georges dream didnt mean that he didnt want Lennie at all, he wanted him, but not all the time. Lennie had to be killed and that ends another two dreams. Candys dream was to be a part of George and Lennies dream, but as Lennie was killed, his dream also vanished. Curleys dream was to be big and as hes a grown man he wont grow any more. Crooks dream is to be back with his family, but it is impossible to go back in time. Curleys wife is dead which ends another dream. We see that John Steinbeck didnt make anybodys dream come true. Anjana Patel English coursework 2nd January 2001

Humanistic language teaching

Humanistic language teaching Argumentative Essay A beneficial method: Humanistic Language Teaching Nowadays, a great variety of teaching methods and techniques are known and used in the fields of universal education and language teaching. Although all of them aspire to make students and teachers efforts successful, each of them does it in a slightly different way, namely, by concentrating on various components of the learning process. Humanistic language teaching is a complex teaching method that aims to develop students basic language skills and inner self, at the same time. Although some experts claim that humanistic language teaching is inappropriate for language acquisition, in my opinion, it is highly beneficial for students for various reasons. First of all, humanistic methods are more useful and motivating for students than other methodologies that only aim the requirement of essential language skills. Humanistic strategies provide an opportunity for students to become acquainted with and to practice a diversity of language usages. Thus, students are not only provided with extended language competence, but they are also enabled to react upon various real-life situations in a functionally and socially appropriate way (Frank and Rinvolucri, as cited in Atkinson, 1989). Moreover, humanistic activities can greatly contribute to students motivation. While practicing classical language skills, extra information which is important for self-investigation is gained; and, as Reid (as cited in Arnold, 1998, p. 236) formulates, students are motivated by self-discovery and by the control such knowledge brings. Secondly, humanistic-type language classes promote the development of students personality and self-awareness, and they have a positive impact on learners cognition. By educating the whole person, humanistic methods aim to develop both the cognitive and the affective dimensions, in terms of self-awareness and personality (Moskowitz, as cited in Stevik, 1998). Having more self-knowledge is highly beneficial to students, because, according to Sokrates, introspection is one of the most important sources of wisdom. Furthermore, a self that has realized its own inner qualities may have a better relationship with its surrounding (Arnold, 1998).   According to Moskowitz (as cited in Stevik, 1990), such a self-actualizing person can be characterized by a very positive personality. They are creative, spontaneous, have a great sense of empathy and responsibility, and have something to live for. Although opponents of humanistic language teaching state that there is no correlation between affe ct and effect, a great amount of neurobiological and pragmatic research contradicts this statement. As an illustration, John Schumanns brain based model of language acquisition shows that in the brain, emotion and cognition are distinguishable but inseparable. Therefore, from a neural perspective, affect is an integral part of cognition (as cited in Arnold, 1998, p. 239). Finally, humanistic language teaching develops students emotional intelligence, which enables them to live a successful and useful social life. Emotional intelligence, in Golemans (as cited in Arnold, 1998, p. 237) interpretation, comprises certain abilities and skills which can be taught to children, in order to give them a better chance to use their intellectual potential. The incorporation of the development of skills, like co-operation, empathy, and respect, in the curriculum, makes a contribution to a students better understanding and handling of awkward situations. In addition, people with greater emotional intelligence are beneficial to the humankind as a whole, because they are the ones who can deal most successfully with the problems of modern society (Arnold, 1998). To sum up, humanistic language teaching is not a method without criticism; however, it is highly beneficial to students intellectual and affective development. Through humanistic strategies, one can achieve not only extended language competence, but also a great variety of social skills, which makes a great contribution to ones success and prosperity in real life. References Arnold, J. (1998). Towards more humanistic English teaching. ELT Journal, 52(3), 235-242. Atkinson, D. (1989). Humanistic approaches in the adult classroom: an affective reaction. ELT Journal, 43(4), 268-273. Stewick, E. W. (1990). Humanism. In   Humanism in Language Teaching (pp 21-33). East Kilbridge, Scotland: Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Review of The Black Death Essay -- Papers

Review of The Black Death The Black Death discusses the causes and results of the plague that devastated medieval Europe. It focuses on the many effects it had on the culture of medieval Europe and the possibility that it expedited cultural change. I found that Robert S. Gottfried had two main theses in the book. He argued that rodent and insect life cycles, as well as the changing of weather systems affect plague. He claimed that the devastation plague causes is partly due to its perpetual recurrences. Plague ravaged Europe in cycles, devastated the people when they were recuperating. As can be later discovered in the book, the cycles of plague consumed the European population. A second thesis, which he described in greater detail, was that the plagues expedited the process of cultural change. The plagues killed a large percentage of each generation, leaving room for change. The Black Death covers the affects that numerous plagues had on the culture. The cycle of the plagues struck each generation. After a p lague ravaged Europe from 599-699, plague killed in 608, 618, 628, 640, 654, 684-686, 694-700, 718, and 740-750. In the early stages of the above series, intervals are apparent. These intervals demonstrate the cycles of the rodent and insect life. Robert S. Gottfried also argues, rightfully so, that plague may have hastened cultural change. Along with plagues came the need for a cure. Plague destroyed the existing medical systems, and was replaced by a modern heir. Previous to the plague, scientists based their knowledge on early scientists such as Hippocrates and Galen. Scientists knew little about what they were doing. The medical community was divided into five parts. These divisions were physicians, surgeons, barber-... ...r in the book. Gottfried also made it obvious that others supported his theories. At the end of each important point, he marked it with a number corresponding to the reference in the back of the book. In conclusion, The Black Death successfully proves that a great deal of tragedy in the 13th century had much to do with animals in the environment. It also conveyed that plague accelerated the progress of culture, bringing the need for modern medicine. Gottfried makes it apparent that man did not understand enough about the environment to prevent plague, maybe a message to the world today. Dense population, as Gottfried suggested, breeds plague. Early plague has educated us, and we should focus on this, plague seems to be inevitable with certain circumstances and lack of knowledge. Not only did Gottfried educate us on the past, but may have prepared us for the future.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Themes In Once And Future King Essay -- essays research papers

T. H. White's The Once and Future King is one of the most complete and unique portrayals of the immortal legend of King Arthur. Though it has been in print for less than half a century, it has already been declared a classic by many, and is often referred to as the "bible" of Arthurian legend. White recreates the epic saga of King Arthur, from his childhood education and experiences until his very death, in a truly insightful and new way. This is not, however, the first complete novel of Arthur's life. In the fifteenth century, Sir Thomas Malory wrote Morte d'Arthur, the first complete tale of Arthur's life. Since then, a countless number of books have been written on the subject, yet none can compare to The Once and Future King. It has easily become the most popular of all the Arthurian novels as it is loved by both children and adults. Though similar in many ways to other works of the same subject, such as Malory's, White gives new details, meanings, and insightful modern ization to the story, giving it an earthy quality, which the reader can identify with. White's rendering of the Arthurian legend differs from the traditional versions in that he includes contemporary knowledge and concepts, adds new stories and characters to the legend, and provides new perspectives by probing deeper into the existing tales. Anachronism It is the contemporary tone in The Once and Future King, which gives the novel its present-day feeling. This helps the reader to relate to the story, rather than placing it in strictly within the context of the Arthurian period. For example, early in the novel Eton College is referred to, which White then points out "was not founded until 1440," but the place was nevertheless "of the same sort"(4). Another example of anachronism can be found during a discussion between Merlyn and Wart, when Merlyn exclaims "Castor and Pollux blow me to Bermuda!" (86). During the days of Arthur, Bermuda was an unknown place, and would not be discovered until the fifteenth century. Though these references have no true significance to the plot of the story, White uses anachronism as a device to aid the reader in association with the context. And, as in other of White's novels, "the author's presence is apparent" (Fries 260), giving the feeling of an oral storytell ing. These "almost too frequent histori... ... often" (28). This depiction of Merlyn shows his amusing and funny personality, which White exposes throughout the novel. The frequent use of comedy gives White's novel a unique twist which cannot be found in the traditional versions of the story. When T. H. White decided to write The Once and Future King, he realized that his task would be an ambitious one. He faced the challenge of telling a tale which has been present for centuries, in a new way which would make it of interest to readers. His recreation of the Arthurian legend more than lives up to that challenge. The addition of new themes, anachronism, characters such as King Pellinore, and new adventures gives the novel a unique flair without straying too far from the traditional legend. The deeper interpretations of the characters and events in the story provide for a truth and authenticity not to be found in similar works, and the sense of humor gives White's novel an individual touch. T. H. White's The Once and Future King is one of the best retellings of the Arthurian legend, and his additions to the tale create an invigorating and entertaining combination, ranking it among the most popular and best read of all.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Should We Balance National Debt? :: Argumentative Persuasive Economics Papers

Should We Balance National Debt? The national debt is a problem that the entire country has to deal with. The questions is whether or not to balance it? Morally the answer is yes. We should not leave this burden for our children to solve. If the deficit was balanced then this country would have more money to spend on other programs such as welfare or medicare. Fifteen percent of national spending is used to pay for the current deficit. With another 15% of our budget to spend on tax-cuts or other issues this could cause an economic boom. Some say that balancing the budget is not the right thing to do. It is said that by balancing the budget at the end of the fiscal year would cause the government to raise taxes therefore slowing down the economy. Some also say that we should not balance the budget because none of the countries that have paid for the bonds will never collect the money owed. They will just let the bonds collect interest therefore we are not responsible to pay back the money. This relies on that the bond holders never collect which we do not know for sure if they won't. We need to be prepared so if the bond holders do collect we can fullfill our end of the deal and pay the money we owe. To balance the budget will take years to accomplish and a little better handling of money than we currently doing. Since the Cold War is over we no lomger need to be spending as much money on defense as we have

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 19

I galloped through the woods, kicking Mezzanotte to jump over logs, to dash through underbrush, anything to make sure I didn't lose sight of Katherine and Anna. How could I have trusted Katherine? How could I have thought I loved her? I should have killed her when I had the chance. If I didn't catch up to them, Anna's blood would be on my hands, too. Just as Rosalyn's was. We reached an uprooted tree and Mezzanotte reared up, sending me tumbling backward onto the forest floor. I felt a sharp stab as my temple cracked against a stone. The wind was knocked out of me, and I fought for breath, knowing it was only a matter of time before Katherine would kill Anna and then finish me off. I felt gentle, ice-cold hands lifting me up to a sitting position. â€Å"No †¦,† I gasped. The act of breathing hurt. My breeches were ripped, and I had a large gash on my knee. Blood flowed freely from my temple. Katherine knelt beside me, using the sleeve of her dress to stave off the bleeding. I noticed her licking her lips, then mashing them firmly together. â€Å"Y ou're hurt,† she said softly, continuing to apply pressure to my wound. I pushed myself away from her, but Katherine clasped my shoulder, holding me in place. â€Å"Don't worry. Remember. Y have my heart,† ou Katherine said, holding my gaze with hers. Wordlessly, I nodded. If death was to come, I hoped it would come quickly. Sure enough, Katherine bared her teeth, and I closed my eyes, waiting for the agonizing ecstasy of her teeth against my neck. But nothing came. Instead, I felt her cold skin near my mouth. â€Å"Drink,† Katherine commanded, and I saw a thin gash in her delicate white skin. Blood was trickling from the cut as though through a brook after a rainstorm. I was repulsed and tried to turn my head away, but Katherine held on to the back of my neck. â€Å"Trust me. It will help.† Slowly, fearfully, I allowed my lips to touch the liquid. Immediately I felt warmth run down my throat. I continued to drink until Katherine pulled her arm away. â€Å"That's enough,† she murmured, holding her palm over the wound. â€Å"Now, how do you feel?† She sat back on her heels and surveyed me. How did I feel? I touched my leg, my temple. Everything felt smooth. Healed. â€Å"Y did that,† I said incredulously. ou â€Å"I did.† Katherine stood up and brushed her hands together. I noticed her wound, too, was now completely healed. â€Å"Now tell me why I had to heal you. What are you doing in the forest? Y know ou it's not safe,† she said, concern belying her chiding tone. â€Å"Y †¦. Anna,† I murmured, feeling sluggish ou and sleepy, as one might feel after a long, wine- infused dinner. I blinked at my surroundings. Mezzanotte was hitched to a tree, and Anna was sitting on a branch, hugging her knees to her chest and watching us. Instead of terror, Anna's face was full of confusion as she looked from me, to Katherine, then back to me. â€Å"Stefan, Anna is one of my friends,† Katherine said simply. â€Å"Does Stefan †¦ know?† Anna asked curiously, whispering as if I wasn't standing three feet from her. â€Å"We can trust him,† Katherine said, nodding definitively. I cleared my throat, and both girls looked at me. â€Å"What are you doing?† I asked finally. â€Å"Meeting,† Katherine said, gesturing to the clearing. â€Å"Stefan Salvatore,† a throaty voice said. I whirled around and saw a third figure emerge from the shadows. Almost without thinking, I held up the vervain from my breast pocket, which looked as useless as a daisy clutched in my hand. â€Å"Stefan Salvatore,† I heard again. I glanced wildly between Anna and Katherine, but their facial expressions were impossible to read. An owl hooted, and I pressed my fist into my mouth to keep from screaming. â€Å"It's okay, Mama. He knows,† Anna called to the shadows. Mama. So that meant Pearl was also a vampire. But how could she be? She was the apothecary, the one who was supposed to heal the sick, not tear out human throats with her teeth. Then again, Katherine had healed me, and she hadn't torn out my throat. Pearl emerged from between the trees, her gaze tightening on me. â€Å"How do we know he's safe?† she asked suspiciously, in a voice that was much more ominous than the polite tone she used at her apothecary. â€Å"He is,† Katherine said, smiling sweetly as she gently touched my arm. I shivered and clutched the vervain, Cordelia's words echoing in my head. This herb could stop the devil. But what if we'd all gotten it wrong, and vampires like Katherine weren't devils but angels? What then? â€Å"Drop the vervain,† Katherine said. I looked into her large, cat-like eyes and dropped the plant to the forest floor. Immediately, Katherine used the tip of her boot to cover it with pine needles and leaves. â€Å"Stefan, you look as though you've seen a ghost,† Katherine laughed, turning toward me. But her laughter wasn't mean. Instead, it sounded melodic and musical and slightly sad. I collapsed onto a gnarled tree root. I noticed my leg was shaking and held my hands firmly against my knee, which was now completely smooth, as if the fall had never happened. Katherine took the motion as an invitation for her to perch on my knee. She sat and looked down on me, running her hands through my hair. â€Å"Now, Katherine, he doesn't look like he's seen a ghost. He's seen vampires. Three of them.† I glanced up at Pearl as if I were an obedient schoolboy and she were my schoolmarm. She sat down on a nearby rock slab, and Anna perched next to her, suddenly looking much younger than her fourteen years. But, of course, if Anna was a vampire, then that meant she wasn't fourteen at all. My brain spun, and I felt a momentary wave of dizziness. Katherine patted the back of my neck, and I began to breathe easier. â€Å"Okay, Stefan,† Pearl said as she rested her chin on her steepled fingers and gazed at me. â€Å"First of all, I need you to remember that Anna and I are your neighbors, and your friends. Can you remember that?† I was transfixed by her gaze. Pearl then smiled a curious half smile. â€Å"Good,† she exhaled. I nodded dumbly, too overwhelmed to think, let alone speak. â€Å"We were living in South Carolina right after the war,† Pearl began. â€Å"After the war?† I asked, before I could stop myself. Anna giggled, and Pearl cracked a tiny sliver of a smile. â€Å"The War of Independence,† Pearl explained briefly. â€Å"We were lucky during the war. All safe, all sound, all a family.† Her voice caught in her throat, and she closed her eyes for a moment before continuing. â€Å"My husband ran a small apothecary when a wave of consumption hit town. Everyone was affected–my husband, my two sons, my baby daughter. Within a week, they were dead.† I didn't know what to say. Could I say I was sorry for something that had happened so long ago? â€Å"And then Anna began coughing. And I knew I couldn't lose her, too. My heart would break, but it was more than that,† Pearl said, shaking her head as if caught in her own world. â€Å"I knew my soul and my spirit would break. And then I met Katherine.† I glanced toward Katherine. She looked so young, so innocent. I glanced away before she could look at me. â€Å"Katherine was different,† Pearl said. â€Å"She arrived in town mysteriously, without relatives, but she immediately became part of society.† I nodded, wondering who, then, was killed in the Atlanta fire that brought Katherine to Mystic Falls. But I didn't ask, waiting for Pearl to continue her story. She cleared her throat. â€Å"Still, there was something about her that was unusual. All the ladies and I talked about it. She was beautiful, of course, but there was something else. Something otherworldly. Some called her an angel. But then she never got sick, not during the cold seasons, and not when the consumption began in town. There were certain herbs she wouldn't touch in the apothecary. Charleston was a small town then. People talked.† Pearl reached for her daughter's hand. â€Å"Anna would have died,† Pearl continued. â€Å"That's what the doctor said. I was desperate for a cure, wracked with grief and feeling so helpless. Here I was, a woman surrounded by medicine, unable to help my daughter live.† Pearl shook her head in disgust. â€Å"So what happened?† I asked. â€Å"I asked Katherine one day if she knew of anything that could be done. And as soon as I asked, I knew she did. There was something in her eyes that changed. But she still took a few minutes of silence before she responded and then–â€Å" â€Å"Pearl brought Anna to my chambers one night,† Katherine interjected. â€Å"She saved me,† Anna said in a soft voice. â€Å"She saved me,† Anna said in a soft voice. â€Å"Mother too.† â€Å"And that's how we ended up here. We couldn't stay in Charleston forever, never growing old,† Pearl explained. â€Å"Of course, soon we'll have to move again. That's the way it goes. We're gypsies, navigating between Richmond and Atlanta and all the towns in between. And now we have another war to deal with. Seeing so much history really proves to us that some things never do change,† Pearl said, smiling ruefully. â€Å"But there are worse ways to pass the time.† â€Å"I like it here,† Anna admitted. â€Å"That's why I'm scared we'll be sent away.† She said that last part as a whisper, and something about her tone made me achingly sad. I thought of the meeting I'd attended that afternoon. If Father had his way, they wouldn't be sent away, they'd be killed. â€Å"The attacks?† I asked finally. It had been the one question that had been nagging at me ever since Katherine's confession. Because if she didn't do it, then who †¦ ? Pearl shook her head. â€Å"Remember, we're your neighbors and friends. It wasn't us. We never would behave like that.† â€Å"Never,† Anna parroted, shaking her head fearfully, as though she were being accused. â€Å"But some of our tribe have,† Pearl said darkly. Katherine's eyes hardened. â€Å"But it's not just we or the other vampires who are causing trouble. Of course, that's who everyone blames, but no one seems to remember that there's a war going on with untold bloodshed. All people care about are vampires.† Hearing Damon's words in Katherine's mouth was like a bucket of cold water in my face, a reminder that I wasn't the only person in Katherine's universe. â€Å"Who are the other vampires?† I asked gruffly. â€Å"It's our community, and we will take care of it,† Pearl said firmly. She stood up, then walked across the clearing, her feet crunching on the ground until she stood above me. â€Å"Stefan, I've told you the story and now here are the facts: We need blood to live. But we don't need it from humans,† Pearl said, as if she were explaining to one of her customers how an herb worked. â€Å"We can get it from animals. But, like humans, some of us don't have self-control, and some of us attack people. It's really not that much different from a rogue soldier, is it?† I suddenly had an image of one of the soldiers we'd just played poker with. Were any of them vampires, too? â€Å"And remember, Stefan, we only know some. There could be more. We're not as uncommon as you may think,† Katherine said. â€Å"And now, because of these vampires we don't even know, we're all being hunted,† Pearl said, tears filling her eyes. â€Å"That's why we're meeting here tonight. We need to discuss what to do and come up with a plan. Just this afternoon, Honoria Fells brought a vervain concoction to the apothecary. How that woman even knows about vervain, I have no idea. Suddenly, I feel like I'm an animal about to be trapped. People have glanced at our necks, and I know they're wondering about our necklaces, piecing together the fact that all three of us always wear them†¦.† Pearl trailed off as she raised her hands to the sky, as if in an exasperated prayer. Quickly, I glanced at each of the women and realized that Anna and Pearl were wearing ornate cameos like the one Katherine wore. â€Å"The necklace?† I asked, clutching my own throat as if I, too, had a mysterious blue gem there. â€Å"Lapis lazuli. It allows us to walk in daylight. Those of our kind cannot, usually. But these gems protect us. They've allowed us to live normally and, perhaps, even allowed us to stay more in touch with our human side than we would have otherwise,† Pearl said thoughtfully. â€Å"Y don't know ou what it's like, Stefan.† Pearl's matter-of-fact voice dissolved into sobs. â€Å"It's good to know that we have friends we can trust.† I took out my handkerchief from my breast pocket and handed it to her, unsure what else I could do. She dabbed her eyes and shook her head. â€Å"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you have to know about this, Stefan. I knew from the last time that war changes things, but I never thought †¦ it's too soon to have to move again.† â€Å"I'll protect you,† I heard myself saying, in a voice that didn't quite sound like mine. â€Å"But †¦ but †¦ how?† Pearl asked. Far off in the distance, a branch broke, and all four of us jumped. Pearl glanced around. â€Å"How?† she said again, finally, when all was still. â€Å"My father's leading a charge in a few weeks.† I felt a tiny pinprick of betrayal as I said it. â€Å"Giuseppe Salvatore.† Pearl gasped in disbelief. â€Å"But how did he know?† I shook my head. â€Å"It's Father and Jonathan Gilbert and Honoria Fells and Mayor Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes. They seem to know about vampires from books. Father has an old volume in his study, and together they came up with the idea to lead a siege.† â€Å"Then he'll do it. Giuseppe Salvatore is not a man to have his opinions easily swayed,† Pearl stated. â€Å"No, ma'am.† I realized how funny it was to call a vampire ma'am. But who was I to say what was normal and what wasn't? Once again, my mind drifted to my brother and his words, his casual laughter when it came to Katherine's true nature. Maybe it wasn't that Katherine was evil, or uncommon at all. Maybe the only thing that was uncommon was the fact that Father was fixated on eradicating the vampires. â€Å"Stefan, I promise that nothing I've said to you was a lie,† Pearl said. â€Å"And I know that we will do everything in our power to ensure that no more animals or humans are killed as long as we're here. But you simply must do what you can. For us. Because Anna and I have come too far and gone through too much to simply be killed by our neighbors.† â€Å"Y won't be,† I said, with more conviction ou than I ever had in my life. â€Å"I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I will protect you. I promise.† I was making the promise to the three of them, but was looking only at Katherine. She nodded, a tiny spark igniting in her eyes. â€Å"Good,† Pearl said, reaching out her hand to help a sleepy-eyed Anna to her feet. â€Å"Now, we've been here in the forest too long. The less we're seen together, the better. And, Stefan, we trust you,† she said, just the tiniest hint of a warning in her otherwise rich voice. â€Å"Of course,† I said, grabbing Katherine's hand as Anna and Pearl walked out of the clearing. I wasn't worried about them. Because they worked at the apothecary, they could get away with walking in the middle of the night; they could easily tell anyone who saw them that they were searching for herbs and mushrooms. searching for herbs and mushrooms. But I was scared for Katherine. Her hands felt so small, and her eyes looked so frightened. She was depending on me, a thought that filled me with equal amounts of pride and dread. â€Å"Oh, Stefan,† Katherine said as she flung her arms around my neck. â€Å"I know everything will be fine as long as we're together.† She grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the forest floor. And then, lying with Katherine amid the pine needles and the damp earth and the smell of her skin, I wasn't frightened anymore.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Enterprise Resources Management Essay

1. What is the business of Sinosteel, what are its major challenges, and how would an ERP system address the challenges they face? „h It has core business in resources development, trade & logistics, engineering project and science & technology, equipment manufacturing and specialized service, providing comprehensive auxiliary service for steel industry, especially steel mills. „h Maintenance of economic and technological cooperation with other nations and global companies and strengthen its global reach. As well as, along with other state enterprises, continue efforts to expand the global control over commodities-key, thus exclusivity to get stream in the provision that will ensure a steady stream of resources to the booming economy of China. „h They optimize management processes, standardize coding, regulations, etc. prevention of information risks, adapt industry processes and superior ownership expertise, centralize and unify the communication process, reports, accountancy, etc. 2. Why did Sinosteel pursue the development of an ERP system? What were the objectives? What challenges (risks) does ERP address for Sinosteel? [The CEO is difficult to understand on some of the objectives, but later in the video an IT manager is clearer and reflects the CEO ¡ is position almost exactly. You will need to listen carefully]. „h Because the need to consolidate management of diverse operations implementing the major enterprise resource planning major until 2005. „h The goals of this project were set down by their president, thus were: Increase the management levels, prevent all kind of risks, independence of operations and management, as well as, to optimize all resources assignments and human resources management. „h In the past the costumer information was decentralized and controlled by sails and needy subsidiary company. These prove risk as there localized were delinquent costumers could all many to one needy subsidiary, all need a invoice be paid by another. Through CRM they could prevent this kind of thing happening again, they are sharing all costumers ¡Ã‚ ¦ information. 3. What factors were important in the choice of Oracle? „h Oracle is the CEO of the International level, has very strong advantages, especially in enterprise resources management, and has very good applications and strong advantages to do such kind of project. Oracle has advanced technologies and relative flexible platform, its very easy to learn, administer and maintain. 4. How did business processes change in order to implement this ERP system? „h Develop to deliver a business inside, adapt industry processes and superior ownership experience, oracle applications enabled the efficient management of all cool business functions The resulting integrating business management platform was based the range of oracle e-business suit of applications as well as people software enterprise and JADE enterprise 1. 5. What do you think of some the implementation issues and risks might have been with this system? „h It has grown through the acquisition of hundreds of small companies, and many medium to large size companies. In the process, the company has inherited the information systems, accounting, customer, supplier, and human resource systems and policies of its many subsidiaries. So, probably the management processes were optimized, created standards for those subsidiaries, they used an integration business management plataform, etc. 6. How did this investment in ERP systems help Sinosteel achieve operational excellence? What do you think were the benefits of installing this system given the substantial costs involved? „h As in all industries were resources must be garbage for around the globe and delivery to right place, at right time, efficient supply chain management is crucial. All under storming is the condition for have supply chain information management, is to have three floors of information internally, ERP was the first foundation for such supply chain management. Improve information, consolidation and collaboration across the enterprise has results on major of upgrades Sinosteel management expertise, to deployment the ERP oracle system is the major mills turn in Sinosteel procedure of business efficiency and sustainable development. „h Sinosteel has established centralized and unified platform, which cover the whole enterprise. HRM also saw immediate benefits as the company adopted global HR policy standards. Employees personal and financial information connect efficiently, HRMS has very positive results in Sinosteel. The oracle ERP system delivery multiples benefits to Sinosteel.

Informative Speech on Leukemia Essay

Hope, denial, anger, fear, and worry are words that come to mind when we think of the word cancer. Cancer is a word we never want to hear. I’m sure at some point in your life, everyone in here knows someone who has been affected by cancer. On September 19th of this year, not even a month ago, I did one of the hardest things I was ever faced to do†¦ I attended one of my best friend’s funeral. Kali suffered from Leukemia since the young age of 10 and fought her battle until the age of 24. This topic is so dear to my heart because it was not until after she passed away that I found out exactly what she suffered from. So today, I would like to inform you about Leukemia’s symptoms, treatments, and who can be affected by it. So, what exactly is Leukemia and what are some symptoms to be aware of? Leukemia is characterized by an increase of abnormal white cells in the blood and bone marrow. In lamer terms, â€Å"Cancer of the blood cells.† If you have Leukemi a, the first thing affected are your white blood cells that fight infections. If you have Leukemia, your white blood cell count becomes almost non-existent making it extremely difficult to fight any infection. A simple cold would feel like pneumonia to a Leukemia patient. Kali told me that her immune system was equal to a 6 month old baby. In addition to your white blood cells, your red blood cells are also affected. Red blood cells help carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your entire body. If you lack red blood cells, you will most likely experience shortness of breath. This explains why at times Kali would speak very slowly in order to catch her breath. Lastly, your platelets are affected. Platelets help control bleeding and bruising on the body. When affected you are more likely to experience excessive bleeding and easily bruised. When the oncologist, a doctor that specializes in cancer, suspects that you have cancer he or she will question your symptoms. Common symptoms include fever, paleness of the skin, fatigue, pain in the bone and joints, weight loss, discomfort in the abdomen, and night sweats. Furthermore, the oncologist will perform a bone marrow biopsy. If the patient is not put to sleep, this procedure can be extremely painful. They take a 12 inch needle, stick it into your hip, and extract the bone marrow. The bone marrow is then tested to determine if you have Leukemia and wha t type of treatment is best for you. This brings me to my next point. Medicinenet states there are three major types of treatment: Chemotherapy,  steroid therapy, and stem cell transplant. With the stem cell transplant, doctors use high dosages of chemotherapy and basically remove your entire immune system and replace it with someone else’s. This person can be a related or unrelated donor. If it is a related donor, this person is usually someone very close to the patient such as a parent, sibling, or close relative. Kali was given the stem cell transplant and had new blood in her body. She informed me that her childhood vaccine shots were no longer in her bloodstream and she could not get them again because they could work against her in a negative way sort of putting her between a rock and a hard place. Like Kali, once a patients transplant is complete, they are given lots of medicine to help support the body and pain in hopes of preceding with a normal life. This brings me to my final point. Are you at risk? Can you be affected? According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society, approximately every 3 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with a blood cancer and approximately every 10 minutes someone dies from a blood cancer. There were an estimated 310,000 people living with or in remission from Leukemia in th e United States. In this year alone, roughly 52,000 people were diagnosed and 24,000 are expected to die- 14,000 males and 10,000 females. While there is no known ways to prevent Leukemia, the National Cancer Institute states that developing Leukemia increases with several factors such as: smoking cigarettes and air pollution. Why should this be important and relevant to you? According to the Washington Post, Louisiana has been given the name â€Å"Cancer Alley† because of the 150 petrochemical companies and 17 refineries that line the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Baton Rouge releasing dangerous levels of toxins in the air we breathe in every day. We live in a state where cancer rates are to the roof. Leukemia is most frequent in Caucasian males than in any other population. Kali was an African American female. This lets me know, no one is susceptible. I’m sure after listening to me, you are more knowledgeable about Leukemia, its symptoms, treatments, and risks. Although it may not affect you directly, I encourage each and every one of you to get regular check-ups, stay healthy, and give to those who are affected. I’ll leave you with this quote by John F. Kennedy, â€Å"When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two components, one represents danger, the other represents opportunity.†

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bollywood Museum-Architectural Thesis

BOLLYWOOD MUSEUM, MUMBAI The museum for Indian cinema referred to as BOLLYWOOD MUSEUM, is an initiative by Ministry of film and broadcasting, Govt. of India to celebrate 100 years of Indian Cinema. The aim of project is to enlighten the people and future generations about the glory of our cinema industry and enlighten them about the people who made our country the largest cinema industry of world. As per the brief from the ministry, the major exhibits in the museum would be: Artefacts, equipments like Cameras, Editing, & Recording Machines, Projectors etc. Costumes, Photographs and other material are proposed to be kept in the Museum. The properties, dresses, sets, tapes, vintage equipment, posters, copies of important films, prints, promotional leaflets, developing equipment books, biographies, sound tracks, trailers, transparencies, Cinema magazines, statistics covering film distribution etc. to be displayed in a systematic arrangement depicting the history in a chronological manne r, will be procured through donations and also by purchase.There will also be a Museum shop which will sell the copies/photographs etc. of the vintage items, books and booklets on the work of noted film makers and mementoes. The site chosen for the project is in the premises of the Film division office on Pedder road in south Mumbai. The site consists of existing office buildings, a library building in dilapidated condition which would be replaced by a new building in the design and a century old construction known as Gulshan Mahal. The rejuvenation of this building forms the major architectural concern for the project.This building awarded with Urban Heritage award in 2001 was formly used as a shooting set and now would form the main component of the complex design. The building would be rejuvenated with an active plaza in front of it. The design of the museum was evolved from the basic unit of film industry†¦ the reel. The form of the building was inspired from the spooling f ilm over the reels. The circulation of the museum aims at giving the visitor a complete route of the Indian cinema industry from production to people, evolution to screening. The route of circulation defines the shape of building.The dynamic form of the building makes it ‘filmy’. The design process started with identification of the programmes to be introduced in the building. The programme was divided into three major categories based on function named as museum, commercial and library. The museum building would house the administrative areas and the exhibits of the museum. The new library building is planned to replace the existing library building which was in dilapidated condition. The commercial area was planned to house a souvenier shop, cafeteria and a restaurant.All the three areas were made approachable through the same plaza from the drop off point. The drop off point amidst the three building complexes was intended to give the visitor a feeling of apparently entering the building from the car. The design of the complex was made to frame the Gulshan Mahal in the new building, as viewed from the drop off point. The visitor is given a grand welcome in the museum building with a grand atrium with a skylight on top which introduces light inside and hence visually adds to the volume of the space. The museum galleries were designed as per the given requirement of the exhibit by the ministry.The exhibits were divided as per their use in industry and its impact. Apart from the given requirements, some new galleries were introduced. The circulation of the building starts with the introduction gallery and with each changing exhibit area, the level rises upto 1m and hence viewing the different stages of production of a movie, the visitor reaches the higher level of building exhibiting the costumes and props used in the industry. from where it moves to the other part of the building through a connecting bridge exhibiting the life and works pf Dadasa heb Phulke known as the father of the Indian Cinema.The similar concept of rising levels with the exhibits apply for the subsequent exhibition of the changing trends in the movies. Reaching the higher level, the visitor passes through the gallery exhibiting the life and works of film makers which connects the library building to the commercial building. Repeating the concept of rising levels, with music and dance galleries, the visitor reaches back to the museum complex through the gallery of life of actors/actresses. The highest level houses the screening area which intend to screen the rare and special movies or may be used while film festivals. he route of the museum acts like the film spooling over the three reels of musum, library and commercial building and thus defines the overall shape of the museum. The rising levels, connecting bridges give it its dynamic shape. The central plaza in front of the Gulshan Mahal is intended to add activity in the complex making it more lively and thus gives a welcoming approach to the Urban Heritage building which has lost its importance over time. This building shall be retained as a live shooting set which would act as a museum for the equipments used during shooting.An informal seating space in the plaza is planned to address the groups educating them about the place and the industry. The concept behind the planning of Bollywood museum is to create a sculpture that relates to the industry it is exhibiting with interesting twists and turns which adhere to our masala Indian Movies. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Source: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF INDIAN CINEMA Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Government of India Films Division Complex 24-Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai-400 026. Email : [email  protected] org / website : www. filmsdivision. org

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Commentary on “The Last Verse” Essay

The article titled â€Å"The Last Verse â€Å"by Burkhard Bilger that appeared in the New Yorker on April 28, 2008 basically talks about the hardships and sacrifices that one encounters if he seeks to pursue folk music, the kind of music that passes from generation to generation.   Interestingly, the author tells the story based on the experiences of   Ã‚  two individuals who were driven to seek folk music by differing motives: one for inspiration and the other for preservation. Both Lance Ledbetter and Art Rosenbaum are avid fans of folk music but Ledbetter was more attracted to it due to its obscurity. Rosenbaum believed that folk music is part of the traditional American culture and wanted to preserve it while Ledbetter appreciated the inspiration that folk music can trigger in music artists. But no matter how different their motives had been, both had personally witnessed and experienced the hardships and sacrifices that each had to go through just to obtain and produce it. This is mainly because folk music ,in its purest, unadulterated , traditional form are sung only by old folks ( using crude , ordinary or unlikely instruments in some cases)   who live in the most isolated places one can imagine , a place where technological advancement had not yet   made a deep impression.    And when they get to find the desired old folk singer, they   have to deal with their eccentricities (perhaps due to old age) and worse of all, when they do record an album they have to be prepared for low sales but may   be consoled by rave reviews with University archives as avid fan( Bilger, 2008, pp. 52- 61). Nevertheless, the story rightly told in print what most people knew or felt   all along, that folk music is a thing of the past   or that in the face of technological advancement and modern taste, it just had to remain in the background if not disappear altogether. Like all other works or art, music had to evolved, and along with its evolution is the incorporation of technologies that can easily adjust sound recordings with the tip of the finger.   In other words, when one listens to the music one cannot truly appreciate its originality or the context it was made because it had been improved, edited and transferred with the help of technology, removing most of its human touch in the process. Bilger relates that in original recorded folk music one can either hear â€Å"the hollow thump of the artist’s palm against the guitar†¦ the intake of his breath†¦the murmur of voices in the background or the clacking of pool balls† (Bilger, 2008, pp. 61-62). The difficulties of obtaining recorded music unsullied by modern technology are just proof of the reality that folk music, in its unadulterated form, is closely tied to the past.   Folk music somehow symbolizes life in the past when it was more relaxed, pure, no nonsense and perhaps carefree. Folk music, like other antique artifacts, are man’s last attempt to hold on to the kind of life what our forefathers had known for thousands of years , generations after generations, before life changed so   quickly   the moment man invented modern technology. Since folk music is â€Å"the sound and spirit of the forgotten world† it is no wonder then that the new generation did not appreciate it as much as those who had gone before us (Bilger, 2008, p 57).   Modern music had many genres and folk music can still be part of it but at this time it is very much improvised, revised, edited and often than not just as source of inspiration presented with all the embellishments that modern technology can muster for commercialization. Folk music alone in its purity just cannot thrive in our world, like what Ledbetter had done, it had to be repackaged beautifully to make it to hopefully sing again.   The title of Bilger’s article had a subtitle â€Å"Is there any folk music still out there?†.   Ledbetter and Rosenbaum found out that there still was through the old folks they painstakingly sought but as these old folk music carriers die, the next generation will just have to settle themselves to hearing folk music that are   compiled   and preserved in University Archives for it is there that the oral tradition of transferring music finally ends. Question : Why is it difficult for folk music to thrive in modern times? Work Cited Bilger, Burkhard. â€Å"The Last Verse: Is there any folk music still out there?† The New Yorker 28 April 2008: 52-63.